Enhance the beauty of your landscape with the 50.0 lbs Creeping Red Fescue Seed. Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) is a cool-season, fine fescue turfgrass known for its versatility and adaptability. Whether you’re looking to establish a home lawn, create recreational areas, or maintain golf courses, this high-quality seed is an excellent choice.
Creeping red fescue excels in low-maintenance, shaded, and natural areas. It is often used alone or in combination with other turfgrasses, making it a key component of shade mixes. Popular companion grasses for creeping red fescue include hard fescue, chewings fescue, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass.
With its tillering and rhizome spreading root structure, creeping red fescue requires minimal fertility and maintenance. It exhibits remarkable drought tolerance, shade tolerance, and fair resistance to traffic. This resilient grass can thrive in a wide range of soil pH conditions, contributing to its adaptability from Canada down through the transition zone of the United States.
Establishing a successful lawn with creeping red fescue involves a few key steps. Adjusting the soil pH to 5.0-6.5 optimizes performance and persistence. Herbicides can be used if necessary, following label directions and precautions. The grass prefers low to medium fertility, well-drained soils. Prepare a fine, granular, and firm seedbed to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. The recommended seeding rates are 4-5 lbs./1000 square feet for new lawns and 2-3 lbs./1000 square feet for overseeding existing lawns. Spring or early fall is the ideal time for seeding, and the depth should be – inch.
Proper management of your creeping red fescue lawn includes maintaining a mowing height of 1.5-2.5 inches. Fertilization with 1-2 lbs. of nitrogen and potassium per 1000 square feet per year is recommended. Irrigation may be necessary during extended drought periods to ensure survival. Applying pre and post-emergent herbicides at labeled rates helps control weeds, while fungicides and insecticides can be used to address diseases and insects, respectively.
Choose the 50.0 lbs Creeping Red Fescue Seed to create a lush, low-maintenance, and shaded landscape
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