FSG Professional Dairy Pasture Seed Mix – 50.0 lbs features:
- Superior yield
- Excellent palatability
- High protein for maximum milk production
- Non-toxic endophyte fescue provides maximum performance and eliminates concerns about animal health
- Strong persistence and re-growth that withstands grazing pressure
- Excellent drought tolerance and winterhardinessl Resists many common diseases
Formulated to maximize performance of dairy cattle, Professional Dairy Pasture Mixture is a specially selected blend of unique, high-quality grasses, clovers and alfalfas that provides a balance of exceptional yield, nutrition, stand persistence and disease resistance. This mixture was created to meet the needs of producers who want to optimize animal performance and maximize per-acre return.
Planting specifications
Seeding rates:
- 20-25 pounds per acre
- 15 pounds per acre overseeding
Seeding dates:
- Fall or early Spring
Available Ingredients
- Enhance endophyte-free tall fescue
- Extend orchardgrass
- Summit timothy
- Pinnacle ladino clover
- FSG 408DP alfalfa
- Grand Daddy perennial ryegrass
- FSG 9601 red clover
- Marathon reed canarygrass
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